Sunday, July 31, 2016


I am nostalgic
I miss the no privacy and the community
A house where everybody talks loud
Where fifteen kids run and scream.
Play soccer and fight are the kids' leisure
A life when you wake up seeing your nephew sitting on your head
Houses where you can go and eat without invitation
A life full of random appointments
A society of tolerance
A community full of patience
A city composed of the same color skin
Studying like crazy to pass your courses
Sharing is impossible to avoid
Making jokes and laugh is the normal state
A family where everybody has to participate
A country where all holidays are for everybody
No distinction between Christian, Jew, Atheist, Muslim etc
A country where people live eighty years without seeing a gun
A country where your neighbor ask forgiveness often
A society where your kids can be corrected by any older person``
A country where you must show respect to elders
A country where a marriage without kids is not understandable
A house where a mother with ten kids have to work ten hours a day to feed her family
A society excessively talkative
A country where politicians know how to talk, but don't work
A country where the president says my son is the only one who can be the next president
The country with democracy and freedom of speech
A country which a lot of scholars and wise folk
A country where the human value takes the first place
A country which no matter what has hope
I am still nostalgic
Nostalgic for crowds, screaming, messy, and hitting
Nostalgic of all those elements which can be inconvenient
Rude, uncomfortable, even bad in the eye of someone who did not live there
But wonderful, fabulous to whose live and grow up there

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